About Us

Creating Resilient, Innovative Solutions for a Better You and Environment

Who We Are

CRISBY Foundation was born out of a deep empathy for the challenges faced by Cameroonians in accessing quality education and opportunities for personal growth. Its founder recognized the transformative power of education and entrepreneurship and envisioned a future where every Cameroonian could thrive.


With a focus on sustainability and technology, CRISBY aimed to create a platform that provided free online education, supported entrepreneurship, and fostered eco-friendly businesses. United by a shared vision, the foundation’s origins lie in the belief that education, entrepreneurship, and community development can empower individuals and drive positive change.

Let us go forward in this battle fortified by conviction that those who labour in the service of a great and good cause will never fail.

Our Objective

Our objectives encompass providing free online education to 20 million Cameroonians, supporting 1 million students in personal branding and entrepreneurship, fostering the creation of 50,000 eco-friendly businesses across various industries, and enhancing local communities through impactful social and infrastructure projects, benefiting numerous individuals in Cameroon.

Our Mission

At CRISBY Foundation, our mission is to transform lives in Cameroon through education, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development. We strive to provide online education, empower individuals through personal branding and entrepreneurship, foster eco-friendly businesses, and enhance local communities. Together, we are building a brighter future for all Cameroonians.

Our Objectives

CRISBY Foundation’s mission is to make education accessible, empower entrepreneurs, promote sustainability, and enhance communities in Cameroon.

Education Access


Community Development